





列车圩街的启发原因于中国内地拼搏体育 的铁路网传统文化艺术和广东省的圩街传统文化艺术,可称来往司乘外国游客带来了“置身于式”列车游览休闲娱乐和消费休验。



圩街一偏为一列复古的液体列车,靠窗内有“网红经济”奶茶饮品店、复古复古桌椅板凳及摆件工艺品、新农村创课值播间、列车趋势历史长河墙、文化创意车辆等,整合日本♛“飞龙升天”民间传说,车顶行李架提升一件唯妙唯俏的龙外观。圩街另一类偏运用过去的节假期旅游做好新长效机制销售活动内容,售货各样年货、广州特色文化美味佳肴和农特车辆、国内 中不锈钢管辖飞速国道延线地儿的土特色食品、中工业企业网上消费受助车辆等。






飞龙里主題邮驿是自然保护区综合中国有中国邮政银行银行银行,革新版本升ꦡ级传统化中国邮政银行银行银行货品和服务项目,将迅速路二级机耕路、铁路FBA货物、中国邮政银行银行银行历史拼搏体育开始深入容合,塑造而成的福建第一个迅速路二级机耕路主題邮驿,布置确认邮筒、仿古手机 亭各种中国邮政银行银行银行历史拼搏体育主題区,连接数行了主題留念信封袋及章戳。众多旅客可是一站式自驾游游戏体验自拍打卡签到、邮戳留念、寄递独特的明信片和订购各种各样文创产业货品。



美丽乡下复兴感受园由繁花步游道、美丽乡下创课公园、广场、农作感受区、传统文化文化长廊等生态景观构造,着力推进于散播美丽乡下复兴和新疆新疆民族互帮互助,活动推广国拼搏体育 进行消费一对一帮扶农物品和横州优势农物品,以“文化旅游商农”激活开通“路衍国内都市区”,是南横稳定极速在服務交通出行文化强国、文化旅游相结合、美丽乡下复兴等国内非常大的战术层面的生动有趣时间,让稳定极速更强地立足拼搏体育 的美好事物衣食住行,带动边塞新疆新疆民族地方优质化量趋势。





Flying Dragon Old Train Theme Park


The Flying Dragon Old Train Theme Park is located in the Feilong Service Area (Nanning Hengzhou direction) of💮 the Nanheng Expressway, covering an area of 67 acres. It cleverly combines railway culture and dragon culture on the expressway to create unique features. It mainly consists of five scenic spots: Train Market Street, Dragon Culture Exhibition Hall, Flying Dragon Themed Post Office, Rural Revitalization Experience Park, and Scienceꩲ and Technology Discovery Zone. It integrates sightseeing and leisure, tourism and shopping, science popularization and learning, and cultural promotion, allowing the expressway to better integrate into the growing needs of people's better lives.


Drawing inspiration from China railway culture and the traditional market streets culture of Guangxi, Train🌃 Market Street pr🎃ovides an immersive experience that combines train sightseeing with leisure and shopping.


On one side of the street, a vintage steam train houses a trendy milk tea shop, retro-style furniture and accessories, a rural creator's live broadcasting studio, a historical wall showcasing the evolution of trains, and an assortment of cultural💦 and creative products. The train's roof features an exquisitely crafted dragon, inspired by the local 'Ascending Dragon' legend, adding a mystical touch to the ambiance. On the opposite side, the street leverages traditional holidays to host ongoing marketing events, offering a diverse selection of New Year merchandise, Nanning's specialty foods, local agricultural produce, regional specialties from the territories along the China Railway-managed highways, and consumer aid products from central enterprises.


Dragon Culture Exhibition Hall is located in the central area of the Flying Dragon Old Train Theme Park, with dragon culture as the entry point. It closely combines regional culture, ethnic characteristics, and highway service functions. Through the construction of characteristic scenes such as "Dragon Travels the World", "Guangxi Seeks the Dragon", "Integration of Transportation and Tourism", "Dragon Theme Co branding Cultural and Creative", and "Nine Sons Offering Auspiciousness", the exhibition hall systematically introduces the origin, legend, arti🤡stic symbols, and important position of the dragon in minority cultures such as Guangxi. In addition, the exhibition hall regularly holds activities such as dragon culture visits, learning, and dragon dance performances, allowing tourists to deeply understand dragon culture while also participating in interactions, creating an immersive dragon culture experience area, making the exhibition hall a cultural business card and Small station of science popularization.


Flying dragon themed post office is the first highway-themed post office in Guangxi, innovatively upgraded through a collaboration with China Post. This landmark integrates the cultures of highways, railways, and postal services, offering a deep cultural fusion. The facility features an official postbox, a vintage telephone booth, and a po🍎stal culture themed area. Special thematic commemorative envelopes and stamps have b𒉰een issued here. Visitors can enjoy a comprehensive one-stop experience that includes taking photos, collecting postmarks, sending unique postcards, and purchasing a variety of cultural and creative products.


The Rural Revitalization Experience Park, comprising a Blossom Trail, Rural Innovators' Square, Agricultural Experience Zone, and Cultural Gallery, is dedicated to promo🎶ting rural revitalization and national unity. It showcases agricultural products supported by China Railway and distinctive produce from Hengzhou, activating a 'Cultural-Tourism-Commerce-Agriculture' synergy that revitalizes the 'Road-Derived Economic Circle.' This initiative represents a vivid implementation of national strategies concerning transportation powerhouse development, cultural-tourism integration, and rural revitalization along the NanHeng Highway. Iꦅt exemplifies how highways can be seamlessly integrated into the splendid life of the people, driving high-quality development in border and ethnic regions.


Science Discovery Land is an exhilarating outdoor space, brimming with futuristic and technological vibes. This area proudly displays three intricate models: the Long March Rocket, the Jiaolong Manned Submersible, and the Tianhe Core Module, all expertly crafted from railway fasteners, wꦡind storage tanks, air reservoirs, filter valves, locomotive cameras, and angle iron. These exhibits not only educate visitors on the intricacies of manned spaceflight and deep-sea exploration but also vividly demonstrate China's robust technological prowess—highlighting a capability to explore the vast reaches of space and the depths of the oceans.

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